Welcome to my site kaldi.is
Things you need to know about the page and content.
On the page and sub pages of kaldi.is there are number of pictures that are all having copyright status. Under no circumstances you will have the right to use them unless given permission from the author.
You can if you want to use some or all of the pictures listed contact me on my e:mail kaldi (at) kaldi.is
Pictures of ranks and other insignia that are on my site are listed as only authors and administrators of uniforminsignia.org have permission to use.
Uniforminsignia.org is a place for all insignia from the world so all info what i have on kaldi.is about insignia is to be used for uniforminsignia.org
Have a nice time reading and looking at my stuff...
vefuppsetning: kaldi ----- myndir: ýmsir og kann ég þeim þakkir fyrir
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2004-2011 kaldi.is
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